Rapid Breath Test for
Reactive Oxygen Species (Free Radical Levels) / Oxidative Stress
Free Radical Damage, also known as Oxidative Stress, causes many of the symptoms and deteriorating effects of aging and stress.Low Free Radical Levels / Oxidative Stress Levels are an important indicator of good health and wellness and help to combat and reverse the harmful and unhealthy effects of aging and stress.
Free Radicals are atoms or molecules that are missing electrons, making them highly reactive. Free radicals will attack the cell membrane, subcellular structure, nucleic acids, and proteins, causing damage to target cells. This leads to a series of health issues related to the harmful and deteriorating effects of aging and stress on the body.
Free Radical Damage, also known as Oxidative Stress, causes many of the symptoms and deteriorating effects of aging and stress.Low Free Radical Levels / Oxidative Stress Levels are an important indicator of good health and wellness and help to combat and reverse the harmful and unhealthy effects of aging and stress.
- Digital interface linked to breath test displays results
- Rapid, Painless, Non-invasive
- Enables optimal health and wellness management with digital results tracking
- Only takes 3 minutes
- Compact and portable, it can be used anytime, anywhere. Traditional methods require expensive blood draws performed by specialty laboratories.
- Innovates and revolutionizes health and wellness